Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Joy Is a Delight of the Mind

"Joy is a delight of the mind, from the consideration of the present or assured approaching possession of a good." Webster's 1828 Dictionary

Joy according to this definition is from the mind, not external sources. The mind is focused on the present possession of good (salvation) and assured approaching possession (our blessed hope of Christ's return). I love the simplicity of it.

Joy is not equal to happiness.... it is not based on what we get in this world but what we have in Christ. We have been predestined, adopted as sons, set apart, redeemed, forgiven. We are joint heirs with Jesus, children of the King. (Ephesians 1)

When I consider these things, I begin to understand true joy; joy that cannot be shaken, taken, or erased. Praise God for His indescribable gifts!

1 comment:

Kristi Butler said...

Gigi, what a delight to read your blog! It brought joy to my day! As did your comment on my blog! Isn't God good to bring together women from across the country to share in His great love and insights into His Word!