Thursday, May 14, 2009

Discouraged and Weary?

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
Matthew 11:28
Dear friends,
Forgive my long absence from blogging here, I have been weary and heavy laden.
God in His faithfulness has been ministering to me and bringing me back
to His side, encouraging me as well as gently rebuking me to get up again.
The main thing that God is calling me back to is prayer... over a period of time
I poured out all I had, I crossed the finish line, and collapsed.
At that point, I am ashamed to say,
my ministry of prayer did not continue.
Therein lay my real problem, I did not continue to come to Him, to lay those burdens down.
I did not come to the Water of Life and drink deeply.
Situations arose that burdened my heart,
some that wounded my heart, some that left me stunned.
Do you know, beloved friends, God knew all of that... ahead of time.
And do you know that in His faithfulness He afflicted me?
Why? So that I will begin to count all things as loss and gain Christ,
so that as I share in suffering I will begin to be conformed to His death.
(Philippians 3:7-11)
Ultimately, these burdens, wounds, and disappointments should drive me to my knees,
in humble and persevering prayer for His power, His healing , His grace.
He is able, I am not... He is God, I am not.
He simply says, "Come to me... I will give you rest."
O Lord, I do come, I need Your rest, Your mercy, Your refreshment.
I need You. Lift up my eyes to You, my help, my hope, my Redeemer.
Thank You for calling me, I am grateful for Your faithfulness.