Friday, October 28, 2011


Autumn is beginning with fits and starts so it stands to reason that I, being a lover of autumn, also begin with fits and starts! Maybe thats why fall and I get along so well!

Oh how I love the cold mornings of fall! I love to hang out wearing my husband's tshirt, super comfy pj pants, and fuzzy socks! It's the simple things in life really. Ahhh, the simple things.

Simple is supposed to equal easy. Really I like the idea of simple but I haven't managed the reality of simple. So simple may not be so easy after all. Maybe simple is uncomplicated....

Speaking of uncomplicated, today I spent the day in those said comfy pj pants, drinking my cup of Irish breakfast tea, studying Romans 8:18-39 with my Word Study New Testament all while listening to Mozart, Haydn, and Vivaldi. Can you say perfect day? Yes! Perfect day!

1 comment:

David Rupert said...

GiGi...thanks for the visit to Red letter Believers.

Love the autumn myself...unfortunatly around here, winter is already reared its ugly face