Monday, October 25, 2010


" Then the LORD God said, 'It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him.' " Genesis 2:18

Good godly weddings are good for marriages :) They are like little pep talks along the way that keep our feet firmly on the right path.

I happen to love weddings... especially at our church. I'm biased I know but somehow I just seem to be so blessed by those weddings. Here are just a few reasons why {and some really great ideas in case you need them :) } .

Our pastor is so practical, encouraging, and straightforward with his messages. He always exhorts the couple getting married as well as reminding us "already marrieds" what a godly marriage is supposed to be like.

Many of the couples have waited until their wedding day for their first kiss - so sweet and so rare.

A few have had a band of our own young adults play worship music to begin the ceremony- how perfect of a start is that?

The level of joy and rejoicing is always so high - it's a celebration!

And the number one reason I love weddings at our church... Christ is exalted. With Christ at the center of marriage from the ceremony forward, that marriage will succeed by His grace. Now there's a reason to rejoice!

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