"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10

When I graduated high school I didn't have a major or a career chosen so I went to a junior college and earned my AA degree. What next? Well, I didn't have a major, I still just wanted to be a wife and mother so I went to work and waited.
Fast forward, I married my sweetheart and had two beautiful daughters. Wife... check! Mother... check! I even had the privilege to homeschool them, teach them to read, write, cook, draw, do laundry, sew, and on and on. Stay at home... check!
Now my oldest daughter is getting ready to graduate high school this year and her sister is only two years behind her. "What are you going to do when your girls get out of high school?" people ask me. Well, I am doing what I always wanted to do and gee... then what? I'll still get to be a wife and mother but my mothering will change inevitably. You guessed it, I have no major picked out still after all these years! I have even looked through college catalogues and nothing jumps out at me.
My mom said to me just recently not to worry, God had my future all planned out, I just had to live it so I'm going to keep enjoying my "career" and when my "job change" comes, I'll know it and live it. I bet I'll even love it (maybe not as much as my first "career" but that's ok). Lord willing I'll get to see my girls live the same blessed life I have. Who knows.... maybe someday being a grandma will be added to my "career resume"!!