The Lord allowed me the privilege to serve at an Easter Seals camp this summer alongside my daughters and friends. What a fantastic experience that was! One of the most powerful things I witnessed was seeing handicapped campers on the zipline. We placed the campers in a harness then hoisted them up to the zipline platform about 40 feet up. Once they arrived at the platform, two men would pull them onto the platform, sit them on a chair, unhook them from the first line and connect them to the zipline. Once the camper was securely attached to the zipline cord, they would be set down on the edge of the platform, then gently pushed off of the platform in order to fly down the zipline. What made this so amazing to me - someone not too fond of heights- is that some of these campers were paraplegics... they had no way of helping themselves or hanging on to the ropes. They were completely at the mercy of those handling the zipline and then the zipline itself! They exhibited complete trust. Some campers cried, some yelled, some rode silently, but they all courageously trusted the staff to bring them safely to the platform, down the zipline, and off at the other end.
How little I trust God sometimes in much less scary or potentially dangerous situations. But in the zipline of life God has got the ropes firmly in hand. How trustworthy and faithful is He? Great is His faithfulness! He will not ever leave or forsake His children; from the beginning of the zipline (of life) to the end, we are firmly in His grip.